A boisterous night in Gallus where everyone had an opinion on whether it was higher or lower on the cards. Only chap that knew the answer was Chris.
According to his team mate Gillian, Chris is a cock. I was interested to see she didn't change her mind when he won the money. £50 quid up, and still a cock she said. Shame.
Rumour has it Barman Martin was pictured in the Picture Round sheet getting his end away, a gentleman never tells though - so we'll launch straight into where teams finished!
Danny McGrain Loves Bacon Winner
The Bottle Merchants
Atomic Leslie
Jack Douglas Tea Set
6= Scott and The Quiffs
6= Inmates
8=Handsfree Lightsabres
8=2 Ladies & The Bastards
Michael Barrymore's Swimteam
Boaby Daft is Dead
Blood Sweat and Beers
We waved goodbye to Michael Barrymore's Swim Team who are off on a 3 week pool party - Ullapool that is. Next week half the money - it's back to £25 but it will probably be twice the fun!
Sir James