2 Girls 1 Kopparberg claimed victory tonight. Chris from the team was about to celebrate a birthday of an undisclosed number of years...
Here he is with cake!
No cash birthday present for Chris though, it's a £250 rollover. Nice.
2 Girls 1 Kopparberg claimed victory tonight. Chris from the team was about to celebrate a birthday of an undisclosed number of years... Here he is with cake! No cash birthday present for Chris though, it's a £250 rollover. Nice. Quiz veterans Mighty Morphin Flower Arrangers grabbed their second win of the week, here they are looking happy as Rolf Harris used to before he was arrested. The poster was designed care of 2 Girls 1 Kopparberg. The first time they've ever wasted food, and not the first time I've been given a sticky biscuit. Major development was the money rolling over - next week a whopper £225 available. Nice. Chin chin Sir James Holding the booze here, like Bruce Forsyth holding his massive fossilized knob, it's regular quizzers Kegheads. They proved my bonitos points are a waste of time by winning with a majority clearly in excess of the aforementioned bonus points. Don't know why I bothered. In other news last nights winners were tonight's losers. Is this a quiz record they asked me? Fucked if I know. Next week a MASSIVE £200 to be won. Apologies to Bar Gallus accountant who is crying at the thought. Chowmein Sir James There was only one bit of news from Bar Gallus this week, and that was the rags to riches story of one quizteam who kept coming back every week and never gave up. Finally after months of trying Dial M for Muthafucka became Dial W for Winners! Well done chaps. Here they are displaying all the emotions. Next week it's a £175 rollover, surely the Muthafuckers won't be interested in winning that... Chowmein! Sir James There was only one bit of news from Bar Gallus this week, and that was the rags to riches story of one quizteam who kept coming back every week and never gave up. Finally after months of trying Dial M for Muthafucka became Dial W for Winners! Well done chaps. Here they are displaying all the emotions... Kegheads grabbed the booze, but no-one could take the money... So it's a £150 rollover next week. That's massive. The Delicate Sound of Silence will be gutted. They dominated and then it all went to shite. Whoops! Facebook photos to follow on Friday. Until then here's a selfie of me taking a cupcake from 2 Girls 1 Kopparberg. Thanks kittens! |
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October 2015
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Pub QuizzesSun 7pm - Machair
Mon 8pm - Strathy Student Union Mon 8pm - Hope & Vincent Tue 7:30pm - Lock 27 Tue 8pm - Brewhaus Wed 9pm - Gallus Thu 8:30pm - Sixty Ate Thu 7:30pm - Howwood Inn Monthly in The Griffin |
Testimonial"...a huge thanks for a great quiz night last night! I have heard so many good reviews..."
Leeanne McKendry Corporate Entertainment Organiser September 2013 |