Here's how it finished...
1= My Cousin's a Tart Tiebreak Champs
1= The Kegheads
1= Peroktipe
The Blurst of Times
Stu & James
Top Button Wankers
Dial M for M Last Place
Team GB Applause
£300. That's massive by the way.
Chin chin
Sir James
Big well done to My Cousin's a Tart who used their love of ABBA to beat off 2 opponents in a tie-breaker (oops pardon!) to win the quiz. Here's how it finished... 1= My Cousin's a Tart Tiebreak Champs 1= The Kegheads 1= Peroktipe The Blurst of Times Stu & James Top Button Wankers Dial M for M Last Place Team GB Applause Next week it's a £300 whopper after Mark and The Blurst of Times got beaten off by The Beast (Hello sailor!). Here they are putting a brave face on their cash disappointment.
£300. That's massive by the way. Chin chin Sir James
The OA's Winners & Funsters Handsfree Lightsabres The Bottle Merchants The Kegheads Mighty Morphin Flower Arrangers My Cousin's a Tart Sprekan Sie Furstenberg MBST Team GB 2 Girls 1 Kopparberg Dial 'M' for Muthafucka Applause After all that build up for the £250, Janet's bazookas misfired and so The Beast has a whopper £275 next week. Nice. Chowmein! Sir James No winner of the £225, so we're up to £250! Here's how it finished... Quizzly Bears Winners Mighty Morphin Flower Arrangers My Cousin is a Tart The Kegheads 2 Girls 1 Kopparberg Team GB Sexist Pigs have curly cocks Ann Frank's Drumkit Applause Every team that stayed got to have a go for the money. But unlike Saturday in Gallus when Pub Quiz Pub Crawl cash was won, the cash rolled over. Pub Quiz Pub Crawl champions Mighty Morphin Flower Arrangers were back tonight! But it wasn't meant to be, so next week it's a £250 rollover! Let's see a close up of that... Beautiful. Until next time - chin chin! Sir James Here are tonight's winners Handsfree Lightsabres looking beautiful as usual with their soon to be laminated certificate! Here's how it finished... Handsfree Lightsabres Winners My Cousin's a Tart 3= 2 Girls 1 Kopparberg 3= Belly Button Fluff Sweetcorn The Bottle Merchants Spudguns Sunshine on Kelvindale The Atholl Losers Not Dave & Lucy The Brochs The Kegheads Sprekan Sie Furstenberg? Round of Applause Thanks to Pennsylvania having a border with Lake Eerie The Beast made life a beach for Gary from Belly Button Fluff - so next week it's the £225 big money! Chin chin Sir James Sexiest team at the Quiz here 2 Ladies 1 Kronenberg also the most gutted as they narrowly missed out on the £175 cash rollover. Next week then, it's a £200 rollover! These guys have quizzed with Sir James in The Bungo and Gallus. That's TWO WISHES! For legal reasons this team faced the opposite direction for their photo. Nothing dodgy here officer! DoBadly's had a couple of cracking quiz rounds, but then still did badly enough to get the round of applause! These kittens narrowly missed out on facing The Beast and here they are with three sets of red eyes - maybe The Beast got them after all... These Aberdonian Pie lovers won the quiz and as you can see they are well loved up. Rude art attack! And don't ask me what's going on here. I haven't got a scoobie. Funnest guys at the quiz The Peruvian Ambassadors to Lenzie thought the best way of advertising next week's £200 rollover was by writing the word Cunt. Hopefully it will work!
Chin chin Sir James |
Venue InfoQuiz InfoSir James hosts Archives
October 2015
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Pub QuizzesSun 7pm - Machair
Mon 8pm - Strathy Student Union Mon 8pm - Hope & Vincent Tue 7:30pm - Lock 27 Tue 8pm - Brewhaus Wed 9pm - Gallus Thu 8:30pm - Sixty Ate Thu 7:30pm - Howwood Inn Monthly in The Griffin |
Testimonial"...a huge thanks for a great quiz night last night! I have heard so many good reviews..."
Leeanne McKendry Corporate Entertainment Organiser September 2013 |