It means The Beast keeps the cash and rolls it up to £50. Thankfully Funnest Team B&H did a terrific Jimmy Savile inspired poster to help draw the crowds next week.

Sub-Atomic Leslie Winners
2= Spudguns
2= The Quizzlies
2= Handsfree Lightsabres - Letting someone else win for a change
if yer da wisnae yer da - would ye?
Jimmy Savile's 6 inch Pink cigar - AKA The Honeymonsters
Burlesque Bear
Michael Barrymore's Swim Team
Mrs Burton
The 9" Grinders
Ute Rules Round of Applause!
Next week then it's £50 and I promise to award the Funnest Team accolade to a joke that doesn't involve Creme Brûlée.
Chin chin
Sir James