As they were one guy down short they wrote a nice note of remembrance for their team mate David who couldnt make it along. Put it this way it said "Fuck off David, we don't need you".
Nicer than what they usually write let me assure you!
Here's how it ended...
Michael Barrymore's Swim Team Winners
2= Quizzly Bears
2= The Inmates
Buy a Baw Hair
= Spudguns
= Phalii & Flaps Fun Guys
Team GB Applause
A little more order to proceedings than usual as hardly anyone shouted out swear words during the quiz. Most unusual.
It wasn't until Andrew from MBST was facing The Beast that anyone shouted out any answers either, but Andrew didn't listen to the crowd. He touched the money and got beaten by The Beast - so its a £125 extravaganza next week.
In other news this week... Team Spudguns struggled without lynchpin Elaine, and The Woozy Bankers made a surprise return as Phallii and Flaps. The plural of cock is Phallii apparently...
At the end of the night Handsfree Lightsabres paraded their winners prize from The Pourhouse as is now the tradition.
Next week £125. Woop woop.
Sir James