Handsfree Lightsabres Winners
Monkeys Storm to Victory (nearly)
Michael Barrymore's Swim Team
Spudguns ft. Sha Sha & Stevie Boy
Fix the Cigarette Lighter
Fuck Unicorns, Narwhales are Real
BJ and The Bear
No. 1.
Puff on my Sweaty Choad
Foosty Jed The Dragon Lips
The Inmates
Hairy Coos
Despite adopting a tramp into their team Handsfree Lightsabres still gained enough points to win the quiz - and they probably sold a few Big Issues too by the looks of it!
It was Janet herself who tried to take down The Beast with her bazookas but they misfired and nearly killed her tramp instead. Thank god David could revive him with mouth to mouth cos one less tramp in the world is the last thing we need!
A re-invigorated Swim Team boosted to a decent 3rd place. A warning to other Quizzers - the Swim Team are BACK!
In other news I'm off on holiday so Quizguy Martin will look after you next week. And when I say 'look after' I do of course mean 'shout swear words at'. And you could get £100 too!
Chin chin
Sir James