Following an exciting night of European football, this was how it finished...
The Honeymonsters Winners
Handsfree Lightsbares
Gadaffi Duck
Quizzley Bears
Weekend Best Friends Nazi Cat Lovers
Raped by Dolphins Fun Guys
Halal, is it Meat you're looking for? Applause
Everyone had a go at The Beast leaving Honeymonsters to win the money for the SECOND week in a row! Boo! Who will stop them making it 3-weeks in a row next week? Surely someone has to?!
We would write a joke here about a herb and a fish...
...but it's neither the Thyme or the Plaice.
But if you ask me the Nazi Cat here should have won.
Unfortunately no-one ever asks my opinion though.
I'm sure no-one will be asking it again next week too.
Chin chin
Sir James