The last few weeks it's been like watching the lower leagues mud wrestle.
But then, come to think of it - we were watching non-league mud wrestling channel...
Handsfree Lightsabres: Please spare a thought for Janet who is currently exploding out both ends Winners
2= La Triviata 2= Spudguns British Columbian Cartel Quiztopher Wobin Chechnyan Moonshine FUD Quiz Akabusy Michael Barrymore's Swimteam Team Clueless Free Tennents Allstars A big thanks to all the quiz kittens who braved the footie louts for their quiz action, especially Spudguns who were shocked to have to sit at the bar because there were no seats. Outrage! And if you want to see how Ian from Quiztopher Wobin went against the advice from the room to go for C instead of D - then you can as Quizguy Martin was on hand to record the cards finale... |
Chin chin
Sir James