The only thing they didn't win this week was the cash jackpot - but surely with the £275 they won last week, they should be ok for a bit?
It means the cash jackpot rolls over and up to £50.
A life changing amount of money. If you live in Dundee.
Here's the final order of teams...
Handsfree Lightsabres Winners, Funsters & Bonus Round Bandits!
Atomic Leslie + the lovely Amy
The Cunts in the Corner
Not Staying Alive
Jeremy Beadle's Slow Satisfying fisting AKA Norfolk & Chance
Anyone for Chinese?
Sonic Death Monkey's Spunky Jetpack
Big Kahuna Burger Applause
It was a half-hearted round of applause for The Kahuna, which was a shame, cos they were up against it. Not only did their rivals have more points and greater numbers of players, but they also had a lot of Chinese food too. Wierd.
Is it national eat Chinese food day again and no-one told me?
Plan for next week is get your team to win the £50 and buy me Chinese food please.
Thanks & love
Sir James