In the end though, it was hardcore quiz regulars The Pirates who came through as champs, while regular money box raiders 2 Pints made it their business to take the money - again!

1,000,000 Shades of Pirate Winners
Two Pints
Universally Challenged
Brendan, Angela, Kaitlyn, Melanie
Interracials Applause
Most amusing moment of the night was the "racist joke" handed in by The Interracials. If anyone should know better...
Q. How does a good racist joke start?
A. By looking over your shoulder, then saying "I'm not racist, but..."
I may have added a little flourish there, but you get the (racist) idea.

Typical Milngavie banter really.
I won't repeat what it said, but I can confirm it was a rape 'joke'...
Classy. I don't know what is more concerning - that someone handed it in, or that they had it in the boot of their car...
Thankfully though a member of the 2 Pints team showed it was possible to still drink a pint even if they were bound...
Chin chin
Sir James