Here's how it finished...
Jelly for Cash Winners
2 Pints
= Quizzly Bears
= Lana is stalking the pirates
The Dicksons
2nd Place World Championships Streetdancers
For legal reasons the winners hid their identity:
Sir James
A bustling bank holiday night in the Beef with big smiles for The Farmhands who grabbed the £150 at their second quiz showing! Here's how it finished... Jelly for Cash Winners 2 Pints = Quizzly Bears = Lana is stalking the pirates Farmhands The Dicksons 2nd Place World Championships Streetdancers For legal reasons the winners hid their identity: Next week then it's a £25 kitty. Miaow!
Sir James Some good news tonight as Pirate Glen here poses with his winners prize in front of a window that hasn't been smashed. Cash-back! and also a kind of cash-back... Been a while since I've been able to say this, but it was BIG MONEY Sunday this week and it will be BIG MONEY next week too... Here's how it finished 70's Sci-Fi Pirates Winners Jellies for Cash Farmhands The Dubs The Spider Lover Rocky Boys Applause Lynne's Team Team No Name After rumours of an undercover visit from the licensing authorities turned out to be false it was back to the usual dangerous levels of banter & extreme Beastings. High voltage! Taking it hard in the farmyard was funny man Dave from the Farmhands who got a Beasting - as a result it's a Rollover! £150+ next week for sure. The Farmhands did put a brave face on things though as you can see, the biscuits kept them happy... In the unofficial contest of the answer slip art, however, The Farmhands beat The Spider Lovers with some ease as you can see... Next week then it's big money £150+ Chin chin Sir James A BIG well done to 2 Pints who used some Australian know-how to grab a classic victory. Here's how it finished... Two Pints Pirates Not Going to Bamboo, We're Here The Scrambled Egghead Oh Shit! Funnest joke was this typically sexist effort from The Pirates . No surprise they were on Stella as usual. A BIG money £135 in notes to be won next week + possibly some coins too! Here's Glen's poster.. See you next week then.
Chin chin Sir James Another fun night at the Beefy with Pirate Glen at the helm AND with a stonking £100 up for grabs. With 9 teams casting off it was the You Are A Quizzard Harry and Geo that got out in front early. The Quizzards played some fast and furious quizzing and fended off a mid-quiz challenge from The Pirates and the Two Pints of Tennents team. Thankfully there was not a Honeymonster in sight... Joy. The jokes round was a tad lower key than the usual high of Norfolk and Good won with a playground classic. Here they are with all their amazing prizes! Unfortunately a camera was not to hand to capture the look on the 2 Pints team faces as the succession of prizes coming out of the glittery bag, including Scooby String and a Pigeon!!! ...and here's that joke that won them all their prizes... Why is 6 scared of 7? Because 7 8 9 !! The Quizzards stayed out in front and with some tactical last round answering won by 3 points on 51.
The cards were the test of choice and we had to go through every team and all failed with quite a few pairs appearing. The Quizzards were back to face The Beast on their first visit and The Beast ate them up a spat them out without mercy. So £140+ to play for next week when Sir James returns on Sunday. Toodles ! |
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February 2016
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Testimonial"...a huge thanks for a great quiz night last night! I have heard so many good reviews..."
Leeanne McKendry Corporate Entertainment Organiser September 2013 |