Wee Malkies Win Double!
Well done to double-trouble quiz champs Wee Malkies who won both the funnest team accolade and were also the points champions too! To mark the special occasion we went with a rare outdoor winners pic. Nice.
Here's the full final order of events...
Wee Malkies Winners
Go Cats
As Hoc
Old Man in the Corner
More Wine Please
The Newcomers
Staying Put
= The Newbies
= Magsrobro
In an unusual move The Newbies came to their third quiz, but decided to keep their original name... Hopefully they'll come up with something better for next week.
Who says its too early to think about Xmas? Not this poster, that nearly beat John Lewis to the annual announcement that Xmas is only weeks and weeks away.
Next week you can win £75 to put towards your Xmas shop.
I'm such a hypocrite.
Chow main
Sir James