The Norwegian Fitters Winners
Fab Fifties
Red Sands
Widen Pallets
LI - going out with a bang Fun Team
Barry Jive & The Uptown 5
Nae Chance Applause
Widden Pallets were on top poster designing form again tonight. Again they wanted a black marker pen.. What will they want next week? Glue? Glitter? Tipp-Ex? It's the tip of a stationary iceberg armageddon I reckon...
Before long I'll be like a travelling version of WH Smiths at this rate!
Despite losing the quiz Nae Chance and all the other teams got a go for the money. All the other teams that had the sense to wait their turn that is. Some folk don't need £50 it seems... Welcome to Bearsden!
One of the highlights of the night had to be Clackerbagg David pretending to be a penguin. Classic. I am now wondering what animal he will pretend to be next week. Maybe a Pussy or Meerkat?
Next week week back to a £25 jackpot, but the banter will be worth twice that.
Chin chin
Sir James