Tonight's winners threatened to kill us all and level the pub. A friendly bunch The Den's Reckoning. Luckily they were only 'joking' the main point of difference being that their 'jokes' seem to lack the element of being amusing that is usually is so important to the construction of a joke.
Thankfully they won a meal for 2, so there was some karma. Is it going too far to hope for food poisoning? Yes. I thought so. My apologies.
Here's how it finished...
The Den's Reckoning Winners
The Dutch
Goatsie Quitongo Fun Guys
Bolt - Ya Rocket
Jedworth Swingers Applause
A much quieter night than we have had. At one point I could even hear myself think.
Next week then it's £75.
That's enough to buy Usain Bolt a full length mirror so he can love himself even more.
Sir James
Thankfully they won a meal for 2, so there was some karma. Is it going too far to hope for food poisoning? Yes. I thought so. My apologies.
Here's how it finished...
The Den's Reckoning Winners
The Dutch
Goatsie Quitongo Fun Guys
Bolt - Ya Rocket
Jedworth Swingers Applause
A much quieter night than we have had. At one point I could even hear myself think.
Next week then it's £75.
That's enough to buy Usain Bolt a full length mirror so he can love himself even more.
Sir James