Obviously everyone was saving themselves for next weeks spectacular Halloween special, as numbers were thin on the ground in Den this week.
The whopper £350 jackpot was there to be won, so what happened? Well, these guys won. Don't they look happy!
Quiz legend Gary reckoned his team might not have won because of his drink of choice. Yes, as you can see he was on the pints of rosé wine shandy.
Must have been the lemonade that fucked it up for you I reckon Gary. Thank god they don't sell Buckfast in Den.
Widden Pallets faced The Beast for the cash, and came close, but ultimately gave themselves more work to do on the poster by rolling the jackpot up to a MASSIVE £375 for the fancy dress Halloween theme quiz next week. Next week they say they are wearing bin bags.
Prizes for best fancy dress and all sorts of ghoulish Halloween fun shall be had. Plus there's that £375 to be won. Lets get a close up of that poster....
As the banned Tesco fancy dress outfit probably said "be there, or be in psychiatric care"
Complaints in writing please.
Yours scarily sin-cerely
Sir James