Teri here used her super-vadge to pussy-power her way to a Fanjita watering £75 cash jackpot! Cash-back.
Team Jammy put a brave face on it, despite their lack of jam. Usually at the end of a night they are surrounded by £20 notes covered in biscuit crumbs, but not tonight, oh no.
For some reason these crazy kittens thought the pub quiz was a monthly affair... Whatever could have given them that idea eh! I think they have got the message now it's a weekly affair, and I believe it is in their diary for next month - just as well as there is NO quiz next week.
Aye, it's a week off or a "wee calf" as it's known in glasgow!
Aye, it's a week off or a "wee calf" as it's known in glasgow!
Quizzly Bears did a decent job of pretending not to be the team who won 2 quizzes last week. And there was only one domestic over the names of English counties... Back by popular demand!
Next week then, it's a wee calf - and then it's these folk you have to beat off! And I don't mean in a George Michael in the loos kinda way either.
All the best
Sir James
All the best
Sir James