There was better luck for Team Stewart in the Jokes contest. Their jokes entry was written to solve that age old battle of the sexes question "Who is funnier? Men or Women?"

Q. What does the Brown Chicken say to the Brown Cow?
A. Brownchickenbrowncow!
From Him:
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Europe Who?
No. You're a poo!
Our decision on the night was Men were funnier than Women, but feel free to disagree below!
Here's how it finished...
Ladies and The Tramp(s) Winners
Team Stewart Funsters
The Gullibles
Big Fact Hunt
Despite taking it up the rear all night The Gullibles managed to avoid the round of applause. Their team tonight was a skeleton squad that couldn't match the performance of their dream team two weeks ago when The Gullibles Won Everything.
Everyone had a go at the challenges until keepy-uppy hero Andrew from last placed quizteam Big Fact Hunt played like Pele to take on The Beast. The Beast did a Maradona hand-ball however, so the cash rolls over, and it's a £70+ situation next week!
If you are coming next week why not say you are coming in my Facebook Event?
Here it is
Chin chin
Sir James