Here's how it finished... Excessive Consumption May Have Laxative Effects Winners, Fun Guys & Bonus Champs Evel Rory Team with No Name Handsfree Lightsabres: Shaking like a shitting Janet Captain Fanny & Optimus Cock The Hairy Bats Punching above their weight The Team with No Name who arrived halfway through and managed 3rd place and Evel Rory who performed as a duo and came 2nd. Impressive stuff! |
As you can see Optimus Cock and Captain Fanny are well excited about the possibility of a three figure aka £78+ rollover situation. Possible they were still grinning from Excessive Consumption's winning knob gag
Whenever I'm given a blowjob, girls always choke and gag on my cock...'s not big. It's not big. I just don't wash it.
Chin chin
Sir James