Can you spot the difference here?
Yes. That's right... The difference is that one of these teams are high-fiving, whoop-whooping, smackdowning, hip-hip-hooraying, CHAMPIONS of the inaugural Brass Monkey Quiz!
The other team not so much, but hopefully they will turn those frowns upside down next week.
Here's how it finished...
1. Crafty Cosmo - Winners (but not really!)
2. The Honeymonsters - Winners & Funnest Team!
2. 18.11.81 - Winners (but lost the tie-break!)
4. Handsfree Lightsabers
5. The Steamin' Wullie Beamen's
6. Make It Right
7. Slug Pit - Round of Applause!
7. John 'Trivia'olta & O'trivia' Newton-John - Round of Applause!
Crafty Cosmo won the quiz outright, but seing as they owned the quiz, literally, there was an independent investigation (held by myself and the other quiz teams) and we decided, correctly probably, that they had cheated through the whole quiz.... BOOOOOO!!!
The Honeymonsters gambled and won the Cava, but couldn't cut it when it came to the cairds.
Team 18.11.81 - who tied with The Honeymonsters, but failed in their knowledge of old footballers - sent up Daniel who defeated the cairds quite easily. Unfortunately, they Rhode their luck in the Final Question about islands and missed out on the £50 cash jackpot, meaning it will be £75 next Thursday.
The Honeymonsters also won the Joke Round with...
I got thrown out of a Christian dating website the other day... Apparently 'Hung_like_Jesus' was not an appropriate username.
I'll see you next week, 9pm, for more money, mirth and monkey.
Quizguy Martin
Yes. That's right... The difference is that one of these teams are high-fiving, whoop-whooping, smackdowning, hip-hip-hooraying, CHAMPIONS of the inaugural Brass Monkey Quiz!
The other team not so much, but hopefully they will turn those frowns upside down next week.
Here's how it finished...
1. Crafty Cosmo - Winners (but not really!)
2. The Honeymonsters - Winners & Funnest Team!
2. 18.11.81 - Winners (but lost the tie-break!)
4. Handsfree Lightsabers
5. The Steamin' Wullie Beamen's
6. Make It Right
7. Slug Pit - Round of Applause!
7. John 'Trivia'olta & O'trivia' Newton-John - Round of Applause!
Crafty Cosmo won the quiz outright, but seing as they owned the quiz, literally, there was an independent investigation (held by myself and the other quiz teams) and we decided, correctly probably, that they had cheated through the whole quiz.... BOOOOOO!!!
The Honeymonsters gambled and won the Cava, but couldn't cut it when it came to the cairds.
Team 18.11.81 - who tied with The Honeymonsters, but failed in their knowledge of old footballers - sent up Daniel who defeated the cairds quite easily. Unfortunately, they Rhode their luck in the Final Question about islands and missed out on the £50 cash jackpot, meaning it will be £75 next Thursday.
The Honeymonsters also won the Joke Round with...
I got thrown out of a Christian dating website the other day... Apparently 'Hung_like_Jesus' was not an appropriate username.
I'll see you next week, 9pm, for more money, mirth and monkey.
Quizguy Martin